Compose Key cheat sheet

Use your Compose key then the Keys from the table below to get the Result character. Keys Result Description " , „ Czech opening quotes " < “ Czech closing quotes (also English opening quotes) " > ” English closing quotes, use ' instead of " for single quotes ␣ ␣ No break space - - ␣ Soft-Hyphen (in-word break) - - - — em dash - - . – en dash < - ← Left arrow (also - > for →) < < « Left guillemet (also > > for ») . < ‹ Single left-pointing angle quotation mark (also . > for ›) o o ° Degree sign s o § Section mark P ! ¶ Pilcro/paragraph < 3 ♥ Black heart suit : ) ☺ White smiling face : ( ☹ White frowning face ^ . · Middle dot . = • Bullet e = € Euro (also using C =) l - £ Pounds sterling (also using L =) c / ¢ Cents x x × Multiply (times) - : ÷ Divide - , ¬ Not sign < = ≤ Less or equal > = ≥ Greater or equal = / ≠ Not equal + - ± Plus minus 8 8 ∞ Infinity 1 4 ¼ Quarter (similarly half, various quarters, fifths, eighths…) ^ 2 ² Superscript 2 (also 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, +, =, (, ), …) _ 2 ₂ Subscript 2 (also dtto) ( 2 ) ② Circled digit 2 (similarly for numbers ⓪ – ⑳) % o ‰ Per mille sign N o № Numero sign ( c © Copyright (formerly: c o) ( r ® Registered (formerly: r o) t m ™ Trademark # b ♭ Music flat sign # f ♮ Music natural sign # # ♯ Music sharp sign s s ß Eszett/digraph s, sharp s o e œ ligature (similarly ŒÆæ…) m u µ Mu/micro (also using / u) ' a á apostrophe → acute áćéíĺńóṕŕśúýźÁĆÉÍĹŃÓṔŔŚÚÝŹ… ` a à grave → grave àèìòùÀÈÌÒÙ… , c ç comma → cedilla çşģķļņÇŞĢĶĻŅ… " u ü quote → umlaut/diaeresis äëïöüÄËÏÖÜ… ^ a â circumflex → circumflex âêĥîĵôŝûÂÊĤÎĴÔŜÛ… ~ a ã tilde → tilde ãñõÃÑÕ… * a å asterisk → ring above åůÅŮ… . a ȧ period → dot above ȧėḣṁȦĖḢṀ… / o ø slash → stroke (bar) đħłøƶĐĦŁØƵ c c č c → caron ǎčďěǧȟǐǰǩľňǒřšťǔžǍČĎĚǦȞǏǨĽŇǑŘŠŤǓŽ… < c č less → caron (not for all?) (dtto) _ a ā underscore → macron āēḡīōūȳĀĒḠĪŌŪ… I kind of miss the way to compose these symbols: minus − U+2212 (Ctrl+Shift+U 2 2 1 2 Enter) l-r arrow ↔ U+2194 (Ctrl+Shift+U 2 1 9 4 Enter) Resources: (Tested on XUbuntu 13.10, June 2014,